shell python

APIGPT.Cloud - SDAI 开发文档

你可以通过任何语言的 HTTP 请求与 API 进行交互,可以使用 APIGPT 的 Python 库来调用 SDAI 的画图接口。

目前调用库正在开发中,可以先用 Python requests 库来调用。

01 认证

SDAI 使用 API 密钥进行身份验证。请访问你的 App 页面,以获取你在请求中使用的 API 密钥。

所有 API 请求都应该在 API-KEY HTTP 头中包含你的 API 密钥,如下所示: API-KEY: <替换成从APIGPT.CLOUD创建的SDAI APP Key>

02 发送请求

你可以将下面的命令粘贴到终端中以运行你的第一个 API 请求。请确保将 替换为你的秘密 API 密钥。

发送你的第一个 API 请求

curl \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <API-KEY>" \
-d '{
 "prompt": "cat"


'urls': ['https:// ... img_url ...'],
'object': 'draw',
'prompt': 'cat',
'model': 'stable_diffusion_2_1',
'created': 1689738679,
'end_at': 1689738691

03 Draw APIs


API - Draw



Request body

Draw 请求示范

curl \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <API-KEY>" \
-d '{
 "prompt": "cat",
 "size": "16:9",
 "quantity": 2

Draw 请求示范打印结果

'urls': ['https://... image_url1 ...', 'https://... image_url2 ...'],
'object': 'draw',
'prompt': 'cat',
'model': 'stable_diffusion_2_1',
'created': 1689738679,
'end_at': 1689738691

参数 - prompt string Required

绘画的提示,Stable Diffusion 将根据 prompt 生成画

参数 - size quantity Optional


参数 - size size Optional

生成图像的长宽比,可选参数,支持以下:'16:9', '1:1', '9:16', '3:4', '4:3'


Error Code Meaning
400 Invalid request: there was an issue with the format or content of your request.
401 Unauthorized: there's an issue with your API key.
403 Forbidden: your API key does not have permission to use the specified resource.
404 Not found: the requested resource was not found.
429 Your account has hit a rate limit.
500 An unexpected error has occurred internal to Anthropic's systems.
529 Your API is temporarily overloaded.

When receiving a streaming response via SSE, it's possible that an error can occur after returning a 200 response, in which case error handling wouldn't follow these standard mechanisms.